Saturday, April 28, 2007
Blogger's Choice Awards

My site was nominated for Hottest Mommy Blogger! Hello Everybody! I am very excited to say that Warm Fuzzies as been nomiated by the Blogger's Choice Awards for the category of "Hottest Mommy Blogger." I feel like I am on American Idol, but please, please cast your vote if you like Warm Fuzzies, or please vote, even if it is just out of pure pity!!! LOL

Thank you!
Sherry B
Founder of Warm Fuzzies

Disaster at Petland

The last couple of days, my 6 year old daughter is absolutely ADDICTED to Petland! We went there at the beginning of the week to see a puppy that my sister was interested in, a Chihuaha cross Daschund. Well, thus began my weekly Petland visits. One of the brilliant employees at Petland decided to show Court how to hold the Cockatiel. She begged, and begged, long after the employee had disappeared, "Mommy, let me hold the bird again, come on, I know how!" Let's face it...I didn't want to tell her that I knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about birds, let alone how to handle one. So, I began being Sherry, the Bird Lady. I picked it up, let her take it off my finger, pet it. Feeling pretty confident, we walked around the store, all the while thinking, I can handle these vermin! Yup, I rule! Anyhow, that feeling didn't last longer then about 30 seconds. Next, she begged me to hold the guinnea pig. I said flat out "no way." Strolling over to the hamster pen, I said with confidence "but I can pick up the hamster." I chose the most docile, sleeping hamster (master that I am!). It stayed sleeping in my hand as my daughter said her ooohs and aaahhhs. Just then, the thing took a flying leap right out of my hands and flipped onto the floor and started to run! I ran after the thing yelling until I caught it, and flipped it back into it's cage, and then with real poise started looking around to make sure nobody had seen me almost kill one of the animals! My daughter was shaken up, but then we both started laughing hysterically. I said, "Courtnay, I don't think mommy is very good at holding these animals." She said, "it's o.k...I think you're right!

Warm Fuzzies

Warm Fuzzies is a story or feeling that warms the heart. Warm Fuzzies is a place for good friends, stories and a place to share. Come on in, have a coffee and relax!

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Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

You Are Animal
A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts. You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary. But you sure can beat a good drum. "Kill! Kill!"
The Muppet Personality Test
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