Thursday, July 20, 2006
Thursday Thirteen
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1. I have a husband named Arthur Glover Cowan the Second. 2. If I had had a son, there would have not been an Arthur Glover Cowan the Third...I would never punish my child that way. 3. I have a Daughter who is 5 years old named Courtnay Elizabeth 4. I have a Daughter who is 3 years old named Taylor Norma-Marie 5. I have an English Major with a Bachelor Degree in English. I also have a Bachelor Degree in Social Work 6. I graduated on the Social Work Dean's Honor List, but have never put my degree to work for me. 7. I once sat beside a lady on the bus that was dead. She had gone around the route 3 times before the bus driver noticed that she was not actually sleeping. Because of this episode, I always check to make sure the person that I sit beside on the bus is in fact alive. 8. I have psychic abilities and read tarot cards. 9. I am not very domesticated. I do not like housework, nor am I very good at it. I have never used an iron before, and my poor husband receives complaints about his wrinkled uniform. 10. I created a website called Curve's and More. It was created for Plus Sized Women like myself that are young at heart and don't want to wear polyestor or dress like my 80 year old grandmother. 11. I used to work in an office with one of Canada's Most Wanted. He had a desk right beside mine, and purchased a new identity from the Black Market. He murdered his wife, and was on the run. He was very polite, quiet, and loved to listen to Beatles music. He also helped me through a very rough time when my dad was diagnosed with Cancer. Who would have thought...a sympathetic murderer! 12. I spent the Millenium in Acapulco, New Year's I have ever had! 13. My biggest moment of shame was in Grade 9. I stole a box of condoms from Supervalu, and proceeded to blow them all up outside of the store like they were balloons (I knew they were not balloons!) I thankfully did not get caught! Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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At Thursday, 20 July, 2006, astrocoz said…
At Thursday, 20 July, 2006, Trinity13 said…
At Thursday, 20 July, 2006, Lisa said…
At Thursday, 20 July, 2006, FRIDAY'S CHILD said…
At Thursday, 20 July, 2006, Warm Fuzzies said…
#11 is so freaky! But as they say, the murderer and the serial killer all think they are good people.
Great list! My TT is up!