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1. Taylor is my youngest daughter... she was born on May 27, 2003 2. When Taylor was born, she was premature. My water broke at 34 weeks, and labor didn't start naturally after a day. The hospital was going to send me home with an outreach program where a nurse was going to come to my home each day. I made the biggest stink the hospital has ever seen, and they decided to keep me at the hospital after all. In fact, it was two weeks before labor started. I had to lay in bed for 2 weeks with my water broken wondering if every movement, ache or pain was the beginning of labor. 3. When labor did start after 2 weeks of anticipation, I had severe back labor. She came so fast, there was no time for an epidural, or drugs of any kind. It was short, but I truly wanted to die! 4. When Taylor was born, she came out kicking and screaming, and didn't stop. She was in the nursery for premature babies for the first 3 weeks of her life. Every time I showed up, the nurse would say "Oh, you're the mom with the screaming baby." 5. Taylor had Acid Reflux for the first year of her life. It was so severe, she almost had to have a feeding tube inserted into her stomach, as she would stop breathing every time she had episodes. She was taking Maxeran and Ranitidine the first year of her life in maximum doses. 6. Taylor's big sister Courtnay loved Taylor sooooo much! She always tried to help mom feed her, and change her diaper. Taylor loves her big sister unconditionally, and to this day, they share a room by choice, because they are so close. 7. Taylor has always been very strong minded. Since the day she was born, Taylor does what Taylor wants, and there is no stopping her when she has an idea embedded in her mind. She would go on the potty at 14 months just like big sister, and spoke her first word very early. It's almost like Taylor came out of the womb running, wanting to do everything just like big sister... she would get very frustrated as a baby if she couldn't stand, or run and follow Courtnay everywhere. 8. Taylor is a very active girl. There is no stone unturned when she is on the scene! At the grocery store, Taylor has broken jars of spaghetti sauce, jars of coffee and has knocked over whole displays. She is like an octopus and must touch everything. Trust me, there is no stopping her! 9. Taylor is a real card. She comes out with the funniest things at the most inappropriate times. For instance, last week we were at a camp for the week called "Rock and Read." Of course, Taylor could not focus or sit through any of the activities or songs (except for snack time). She always feels a need to check out every new bathroom wherever we go. As people were singing, Taylor was jumping up and down yelling "I have to go poo mommy, I have to go poooooooo." We would go to the bathroom, where she would play with the sink and the handdryer. We would return to the group, sing for a little, and say the same thing repeatedly. This went on and on until snack time. 10. Taylor loves running around the house naked after every bath. I am really hoping that this changes by the time she is a teenager! She runs around yelling "I'm a nudy, I'm a nudy!" (pronounced nooodddyyyy) 11. As brazen as Taylor is, she is really a chicken underneath it all. She is afraid of loud noises, and thunderstorms. Mom can never be very far away from her when there is a train passing, or a motorcycle zooming by. 12. Taylor still has her blankie that she is attached to that she had since she was a newborn. The funny thing about blankie, is that it is in about 6 different pieces. She knows each and every single piece like the back of her hand. If one piece is missing, there needs to be a search party sent out looking for baby blankie. (that's the smallest piece, and the one that goes missing the most) 13. Taylor is my baby girl, and always will be. Even when she is 20! |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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At Thursday, 27 July, 2006, Froggie Mama said…
At Thursday, 27 July, 2006, Trinity13 said…
At Thursday, 27 July, 2006, Lisa said…
At Thursday, 27 July, 2006, said…
what a wonderful little one. My 13 year old still has her blanket which she must take everywhere...that she is sleeping over. This past school year, whe went on the annual right of passage trip...to Washington DC (Williamsburg and other sites) At the last hotel, she had a migraine and her friends put her stuff together and forgot to grab her blanket. Thankfully she did finally get her blanket back.
At Friday, 28 July, 2006, Trish Ess said…
At Friday, 28 July, 2006, GreekGoddess said…
Aww! She sounds like such a fun & spunky little girl! :) I bet she keeps you on your toes! I had a blankie, too, and it had several pieces... but my Mom would tie them in knots to the original. I still have it! LOL