Monday, July 31, 2006
Good Night, Sleep Tight

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Ever since my little baby bird Taylor was born, she was a handful. Having had Reflux and Colic when she was born, we've had sleep issues from the very beginning. By sleep issues, I mean lack of sleep. I'm sure many of you moms can relate, but I have not had a full night slumber in six years.

About 6 months ago, Taylor had the flu really bad, with severe vomiting. I made the mistake of bringing her into bed with me, and Dad slept in the living room on old faithful. Of course, once this began, it has not stopped. Poor Dad has been sleeping on old faithful ever since, but in the meantime another development took place. Courtnay started whining to sleep with Mom and Taylor too. She gave me the old "if Taylor can sleep in Mom's bed, then so can I." How can you argue with that? So Momma Birds nest got alot fuller. And poor Pappa Bird seemed to be out of the nest, lost on the ground.

Sure, the sleep was great...if one of the girls woke in the night, there I was right at their side, not having to even step one foot out of bed. Any issues were resolved quickly and painlessly. And, I had the benefit of cuddling with my babes...there is no better feeling in the world. Falling asleep with my babies has been the best feeling in the world, safe by your side.
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A few weeks ago, Papa Bird decided it was time for the birdies to leave the nest. I reluctantly agreed, the feet in the face, and lack of space in the nest was starting to get to me a little. We decided it would be a great idea if the two baby birds shared a room, with both single beds in one room so they would be together. Courtnay and Taylor were so excited! The thought of them having their own room together made them ecstatic.

Inside, Mama Bird was withering. Although I was excited at the prospect of snuggling with Papa Bird again, I felt an empty space inside. I was excited for the girls, and always knew it was not a good scenario having them in the nest, but I have come to realize that I enjoyed them sleeping in the nest possibly more then they did.

The transition went off without a hitch. Both Birdies have their own nests, and their own space. I now read them a story before bed, tuck them in and say good night with a kiss.

And Papa Bird is back in our nest. All is well in Birdie land, except for one thing...I am missing having my babies sleeping in the nest something awful! I have been having trouble falling asleep, and feel so empty inside. How can this be? Now I have a sleeping issue. It seems I cannot get a restful sleep without my birdies with me. I know how unfair that is to Papa Bird, but I am finding I can't help myself.

I love Papa Bird more than life itself. But I have to admit, he is not the best "sleeping" partner. He snores like a bear, scratches his feet on the sheets, and "gurgles" because he is a smoker. Last night, we had burgers for supper. I love onions as much as the next person, but he seems to put half an onion on every burger.
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One can only imagine how painful it was to sleep in the nest last night, with the stench, the gurgling and the scratching. I am finding myself missing the sweet smelling cherubs that I am used to sleeping with.
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I hope one day Papa Bird will decide Onions are really not required on hamburgers, hotdogs, or on Pork Chops. I also hope he will find his way to the Patch...but I don't know if that will happen. He's been smoking since he was 13, and enjoys it a little too much. Besides, I knew he smoked when I met him, however I did not know about the onions...
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Life is grand, I only hope one day, one day....I will have a full night of sleep!

Thursday, July 27, 2006
Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about Taylor

1. Taylor is my youngest daughter... she was born on May 27, 2003

2. When Taylor was born, she was premature. My water broke at 34 weeks, and labor didn't start naturally after a day. The hospital was going to send me home with an outreach program where a nurse was going to come to my home each day. I made the biggest stink the hospital has ever seen, and they decided to keep me at the hospital after all. In fact, it was two weeks before labor started. I had to lay in bed for 2 weeks with my water broken wondering if every movement, ache or pain was the beginning of labor.

3. When labor did start after 2 weeks of anticipation, I had severe back labor. She came so fast, there was no time for an epidural, or drugs of any kind. It was short, but I truly wanted to die!

4. When Taylor was born, she came out kicking and screaming, and didn't stop. She was in the nursery for premature babies for the first 3 weeks of her life. Every time I showed up, the nurse would say "Oh, you're the mom with the screaming baby."

5. Taylor had Acid Reflux for the first year of her life. It was so severe, she almost had to have a feeding tube inserted into her stomach, as she would stop breathing every time she had episodes. She was taking Maxeran and Ranitidine the first year of her life in maximum doses.

6. Taylor's big sister Courtnay loved Taylor sooooo much! She always tried to help mom feed her, and change her diaper. Taylor loves her big sister unconditionally, and to this day, they share a room by choice, because they are so close.

7. Taylor has always been very strong minded. Since the day she was born, Taylor does what Taylor wants, and there is no stopping her when she has an idea embedded in her mind. She would go on the potty at 14 months just like big sister, and spoke her first word very early. It's almost like Taylor came out of the womb running, wanting to do everything just like big sister... she would get very frustrated as a baby if she couldn't stand, or run and follow Courtnay everywhere.

8. Taylor is a very active girl. There is no stone unturned when she is on the scene! At the grocery store, Taylor has broken jars of spaghetti sauce, jars of coffee and has knocked over whole displays. She is like an octopus and must touch everything. Trust me, there is no stopping her!

9. Taylor is a real card. She comes out with the funniest things at the most inappropriate times. For instance, last week we were at a camp for the week called "Rock and Read." Of course, Taylor could not focus or sit through any of the activities or songs (except for snack time). She always feels a need to check out every new bathroom wherever we go. As people were singing, Taylor was jumping up and down yelling "I have to go poo mommy, I have to go poooooooo." We would go to the bathroom, where she would play with the sink and the handdryer. We would return to the group, sing for a little, and say the same thing repeatedly. This went on and on until snack time.

10. Taylor loves running around the house naked after every bath. I am really hoping that this changes by the time she is a teenager! She runs around yelling "I'm a nudy, I'm a nudy!" (pronounced nooodddyyyy)

11. As brazen as Taylor is, she is really a chicken underneath it all. She is afraid of loud noises, and thunderstorms. Mom can never be very far away from her when there is a train passing, or a motorcycle zooming by.

12. Taylor still has her blankie that she is attached to that she had since she was a newborn. The funny thing about blankie, is that it is in about 6 different pieces. She knows each and every single piece like the back of her hand. If one piece is missing, there needs to be a search party sent out looking for baby blankie. (that's the smallest piece, and the one that goes missing the most)

13. Taylor is my baby girl, and always will be. Even when she is 20!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Big Thanks to the Patent Princess for this Meme!

1. How old do you wish you were? I don't mind being 35...you are as old as you feel, and I always feel like a kid!

2. Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was at home on Maternity Leave and watched it on the news as it all happened in complete shock. I worked for Air Canada at the time, and was quite thankful to be on Maternity Leave. It was a feeling I will never forget as long as I live.

3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? I press the money return button repeatedly, even though I know it's not gonna give me anything back. I then try rocking the machine, but this usually doesn't work either. I then walk away disappointed.

4. Do you consider yourself kind? Who doesn't?

5. If you had to get a tattoo, where and what would it be? I have one large one on my lower back, and one on my butt cheek. I have been thinking of getting one on my ankle or shoulder lately of the gemini sign, or some Aborinal Art.

6. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? I would try to learn Greek. Always sounds so beautiful.

7. Do you know your neighbors? Too well.

8. What do you consider a vacation? Someplace hot with a Corona in hand!

9. Do you follow your horoscope? Always.

10. Would you move for the person you loved? Definitely.

11. Are you touchy feely? I wouldn't say so.

12. Do you believe that opposites attract? Yes, every partner I have had is completely the opposite of me. I could never live with another me!

13. Dream job? A Writer that actually makes money.

14. Favorite channels? Much Music, A & E, and TBS

15. Favorite place to go on a weekend? Out with my gals having a few bevvies.

16. Showers or bath? Showers.....

17. Do you paint your nails? Yes.

18. Do you trust people easily? Yes, sometimes too easily.

19. What are your phobias? Ghosts, the dark, bridges, being stuck in an elevator.

20. Do you want kids? I have 2, and am definitely finished.

21. Do you keep a handwritten journal? Yes.

22. Where would you rather be right now? Relaxing someplace hot on holidays with my family.

23. What makes you feel warm and safe? Snuggling with my babies and watching them sleep.

24. Heavy or light sleep? Light sleeper

25. Are you paranoid? Who, what, where, when and how WHY?????? TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26. Are you impatient? I have the patience of a saint.

27. Who can you relate to? These days, I can pretty much relate with Rosanne Barr.

28. How do you feel about interracial couples? Love knows no color.

29. Have you been burned by love? Every time except for this relationship (biting my nails!)

30. What’s your life motto? Try all things once, and the good things twice...do unto others as you would have done, and what goes around will come around.

31. What’s your main ringtone on your mobile? It is Bad Boys...the theme song from "Cops"

32. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping

33. Who was your last text message from? MTS saying they had a special on text messaging.

34. Whose bed did you sleep in last night? ummmm....mine

35. What color shirt are you wearing? Wearing my mouse P.J's

36. Most recent movie you watched? Superman the original movie with Christopher Reeves. Love that one.

37. Name five things you have on you at all times. My cell phone, keys, purse, makeup, hairspray and pick

38. What color are your bed sheets? Mustard yellow, and swirly goldy east indian thing happening.

39. How much cash do you have on you right now? Some loose change.

40. What is your favorite part of the chicken? The White Meat.

41. What is your favorite town/city? Banff, Alberta Canada.

42. I can’t wait till…I apply to NSI...I am writing a television pilot. Can't wait to see if it's accepted!

43. What did you have for dinner last night? Chicken Burgers, Caesar Salad and the kids also had smiley's.(I stole a few)

44. How tall are you barefoot? 5′ 3″

45. Have you ever smoked crack? Never.

46. Do you own a gun? Husband does...he hunts.

47. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee or OJ.

48. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Make them laugh (with you, not at you)

49. Do you have A.D.D? Never been tested, but my daughter has ADHD

50. What time did you wake up today? At 6:30 AM

51. What is your favorite candy? Fun Dip

52. Current worry? Trying not to get burnt out at work.

53. Current hate? Having to work 40 hours each weekend, but it's paying the bills, and I am able to be at home full time through the week with my little ones and not pay for daycare. Still hate it though.

54. Favorite place to be? Right now blogging...it's a great escape from reality!

55. Where would you like to travel? I would love to take a trip to Africa one day. That is my dream vacation.

56. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years? Hopefully writing television scripts, and entertaining the masses.

57. Last thing you ate? I admit it...a Big Mac, Large Fries and a Caramilk McFlurry! The frosty got veto'd.

58. What songs do you sing in the shower? Ain't no mountain high enough....kidding! I don't

59. Last person that made you laugh? Art

60. Worst injury you ever had? Having to get stitches when I was 18 after the bar one night. Somebody kicked a beer bottle, and it broke and sliced open my foot. Had to get about 12 stitches. (4 inside, 8 on the outside)

61. Does someone have a crush on you? I'm thinking my supervisor at work.

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things About Me, Sherry
1. I have a husband named Arthur Glover Cowan the Second.
2. If I had had a son, there would have not been an Arthur Glover Cowan the Third...I would never punish my child that way.
3. I have a Daughter who is 5 years old named Courtnay Elizabeth
4. I have a Daughter who is 3 years old named Taylor Norma-Marie
5. I have an English Major with a Bachelor Degree in English. I also have a Bachelor Degree in Social Work
6. I graduated on the Social Work Dean's Honor List, but have never put my degree to work for me.
7. I once sat beside a lady on the bus that was dead. She had gone around the route 3 times before the bus driver noticed that she was not actually sleeping. Because of this episode, I always check to make sure the person that I sit beside on the bus is in fact alive.

8. I have psychic abilities and read tarot cards.

9. I am not very domesticated. I do not like housework, nor am I very good at it. I have never used an iron before, and my poor husband receives complaints about his wrinkled uniform.
10. I created a website called Curve's and More. It was created for Plus Sized Women like myself that are young at heart and don't want to wear polyestor or dress like my 80 year old grandmother.
11. I used to work in an office with one of Canada's Most Wanted. He had a desk right beside mine, and purchased a new identity from the Black Market. He murdered his wife, and was on the run. He was very polite, quiet, and loved to listen to Beatles music. He also helped me through a very rough time when my dad was diagnosed with Cancer. Who would have thought...a sympathetic murderer!
12. I spent the Millenium in Acapulco, Mexico...best New Year's I have ever had!
13. My biggest moment of shame was in Grade 9. I stole a box of condoms from Supervalu, and proceeded to blow them all up outside of the store like they were balloons (I knew they were not balloons!) I thankfully did not get caught!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Baking A Birthday Surprise for Dad!

Is Mom Ready for Kindergarten?

Kindergarten...it felt like it was so far away. I just delivered a premature baby girl...6 lbs, 5 ounces. She was premature, in good health but needed to stay in the T1 nursery for a month before she came home from the hospital. Her lungs weren't fully developed, she had reflux, and regular bratties (she would stop breathing for periods of time and required oxygen). Being a first time mother, I was a wreck. I felt overwhelmed, exhausted from spending 16 hours a day at the hospital, but couldn't see myself being anyplace else. I pumped my breastmilk till my boobs felt like they were going to fall off, and she was tube fed for the first 3 weeks. I fell asleep, and the next day, she turned 5 and had a sister. That's how fast the time has gone.

When Courtnay was 2, I went through the same ordeal with Taylor. She was premature as well, and we went through a rerun of the same episode we had with Courtnay. By that time, we knew Courtnay had some developmental issues, but she was excited with the prospect of having a baby sister. By the time Courtnay was 4, she had been seeing a speech pathologist on a regular basis, and an occupational therapist. She had been given an ADHD diagnosis. I've been fortunate enough to be at home with her full time to work with her on a daily basis, and she has been moving along splendidly. And then the day has been drawing nearer...kindergarten.

Courtnay is excited, she's thrilled about the prospect of meeting new friends, having a teacher and attending school half a day a week. I am once again a wreck! Don't get me wrong, I am excited for her as well, but have to admit I am terrified! My little baby is leaving our safe nest! I'm not going to be behind the wheel of her progress and learning. How will she fair without me being right along beside her? Or better yet, how will I fair without having her right along beside me?

When I told her "Courtnay, mommy is going to be so sad when you start kindergarten. What is mommy going to do without you?"

She replied, very grownup like "Don't worry mommy, things will be fine. You'll be o.k." Yikes! I'll be o.k? It's worst than I thought...my 5 year old can now console her mother!

Where did that slobbery baby go that I carted around in her stroller while I shopped? Where did the time go?

I just don't know. One thing I do know, is that there will be many tears on my face the first day of kindergarten. What am I going to be like at graduation? I shudder to think.

Sunday, July 16, 2006
A Whale of a Tale

The Whale

If you read the front page story of the SF Chronicle, you would have read about a female humpback whale who had become entangled in a spider web of crab trapsand lines.

She was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of traps that caused her to struggle to stay afloat. She also had hundreds of yards of line rope wrapped around her body, her tail, her torso, a linetugging in her mouth.

A fisherman spotted her just east of the Farralone Islands(outside the Golden Gate) and contacted an environmental group for help.

Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that she was so bad off, the only way to save her was to dive in and untangle her...A very dangerous proposition.

One slap of the tail could kill a rescuer. They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually set her free.

When she was free, the divers say she swam in what seemed like joyous circles. She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time, and nudged them, pushed gently around-she thanked them. Some said it was the most incredibly beautiful experience of their lives.

The guy who cut the rope out of her mouth says her eye was following him the whole time, and he will never be the same.

Too Cool!!!

World Trade Center Conspiracy Theory Video

This video is a little long, but so interesting and definitely worth watching. I'm a huge conspiracy theory buff, and have always had questions about what really happened on the fateful day of 09/11 (911, strange date wasn't it?)

This has left me with much to ponder, and more questions than answers.

911 loose change 2nd edition

Strangely, it has been removed from the original Google's video list. I found another, and have posted it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Here is the original Loose Change website. I find it very interesting.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen of My Favorite Places to Shop Online
I have to admit, sigh, I have a problem. I am COMPLETELY addicted to shopping online! Last Christmas, I did all my shopping online, and I mean all. Even stocking stuffers. I love being excited about packages arriving in the mail, and being pleasantly surprised when they arrive at the door. Here are a few of my faves.

1. Ikea

2. Igigi

3. Musician's Friend

4. Delia's

5. Ebay

6. Size Appeal

7. Melaleuca

8. Vista Print

9. Toys R Us

10. Used Winnipeg

11. Torrid

12. Hot Topic

13. Fashion Bug

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!



A Courtnay and Taylor Creation...a cardboard box kept them busy for 3 days!

Thursday, July 06, 2006
Thursday Thirteen

The Thirteen Songs to Blast in Your Car During Summer

1. "One Love" Bob Marley

2. "Cotton Eyed Jo" Rednexx

3. "Beautiful Day" U2

4. "Shiny Happy People" REM

5. "You're a Superstar" Love Inc.

6. "Groove is in the Heart" Dee Lite

7. "In the Summertime" Shaggy

8. "No Woman No Cry" Bob Marley

9. "Summer Lovin" John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John

10."Bomboleo" Gypsy Kings

11. "When the Night Feels my Song" Bedouin Soundclash

12. "One Week" The Barenaked Ladies

13. "Jessie's Girl" Rick Springfield

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Courtnay and Taylor 2006

Courtnay and Taylor, My Two Little Angels

View this video montage created at One True Media
Courtnay and Taylor 2006-Part 1
Click to Begin Montage

Wednesday, July 05, 2006



Monday, July 03, 2006
Count Your Blessings

"I have found that if you love life,
life will love you back." Arthur Rubinstein

I have recently unwittingly returned back to the work force part time. I am a Social Worker by trade, and the opportunity arose for me to work with young teenaged girls who have exhausted all of their options. Many have exhausted foster home placements, youth centers, group homes...let's face it-they have no more options. Many girls have been in over 50 foster home placements during the duration of their short lives and yes...they are angry.

I have been working with the same young lady for the past 2 months, and have started to build a rapport with her. She has been in care since a very young age. Her mother passed away, and her father became a chronic alcoholic. The family is from the reserve, and all 9 brothers and sisters have been in care most of their short lives.

Last evening, we stayed home and she was more talkative than usual. I think she was high, but I can't prove it. She asked me the question "what kind of a life do I have?" I responded by asking her what type of a life she thought she had (I know, I know, close the text book). She said she didn't know and wanted to know what I thought. She surprised me by saying she thought she was spoiled living in hotels month in, month out and not in school or working. I had never seen it from that perspective before. She said it's really no life for a person. She really feels lonely, with no parents or family.

Although my heart was breaking, because I know how tough things have been for her, I proceeded by telling her how lucky she actually is. I told her when life throws you a curve, you have to stop and count your blessings. No matter who you are, some people have it better, but there are also many that are not as fortunate.

I told her, Let's Count Your Blessings:

Not many teenagers have maid service everyday to clean your room.

Not many teenagers have caregivers around the clock providing care to keep you safe, healthy and off of the streets.

A clean place to sleep.

A clean safe place to stay.

A chef on site to cook healthy, nutritious meals made to order any time you feel hungry.

You are not starving.

Your laundry is done for you each week.

You have a telephone, television and plenty of movies at your disposal whenever you want.

Your doctors and dental appointments are all made for you on a regular basis, and people escort and drive you to all of your appointments.

You have regular outings scheduled for you, and a free membership pass to the YMCA.

You have your health. Many people do not.

You have your religion and your culture. She is of Aboriginal descent, and still has strong ties to her community.

It's funny how much is taken for granted, unless you stop every once in awhile to smell the roses. Life really is what you make of it-no matter who you are. I really want to thank that young lady for giving me a fresh perspective on the whole matter, and for giving lots of food for thought.

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Happy Birthday Canada!!!

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Sherry's Pick for 20 Great Canadians
(In no particular order)
1. John Candy 11. Dancing Gabe
2 . Michael J. Fox 12. David Milgard's Mom
3. The Tragically Hip 13. Margaret Atwood
4. Jacques Cartier 14. Our Lady Peace
5. Louis Riel 15. Barenaked Ladies
6. Pierre Elliot Trudeau 16. Dan Akroyd
7. Tim Horton 17. Jim Carry
8. Patrick Roy 18. Pamela Lee Anderson
9. Rocket Richard 19. Hugh MacLennan
10.Terry Fox 20. Hal from Power 97

Happy 139th Birthday Canada...
Dene Moore, Canadian PressPublished: Friday, June 30, 2006
Article tools

VANCOUVER -- Where would the world be without green garbage bags, zippers and ginger ale?
Canadians have made some wonderful, weird and sometimes dubious contributions to humankind.
Were it not for Canadians, the world would be devoid of paint rollers, snowmobiles and five-pin bowling.
There would be no electric organ, green ink or multiplex movie theatres.

And yes, the recipe for Nanaimo bars comes from the British Columbian town of the same name.

Without Canada, time as we know it would end. Sir Sanford Fleming, a Scottish immigrant to the New World, devised the world's 24-zone standard time system.

"Canadians aren't boring in the least," says Will Ferguson, award-winning author of Canadian History for Dummies and Why I Hate Canadians.

Politically, the country has staked its claim in the "radical middle," he says, but don't let that fool you.
Canadians are diverse, eclectic and eccentric, he says. And pragmatic. Rather than wither in the winter cold, Canadians pulled the toques down over their ears and invented snowmobiles, the electric car heater and the snowblower.

Thank Canada for toboggans.

Canada comes from the native words meaning big village -- much better than Efisga, Tuponia or Colonia.
Those names were proposed for the motherland during debates on Confederation.

It is arguably the most ethnically diverse country in the world.
Canada has the highest population of Icelanders outside Iceland and the most Italians outside Italy.
"It's such a culturally diverse and interesting country that has geography and history and people that come from every corner of the globe," says Heritage Minister Sheila Copps. "That's what makes it really unique."
Unique is one way to put it.

Each month in each province there is at least one report of a UFO.

Of all the road accidents that occur in Canada, 0.3 per cent involve a moose. And a Calgary tour company offers a course in igloo building.

Maybe such madness is what makes comedian Rick Mercer feel so lucky to be Canadian.
"I just always feel . . . that we won the Lotto and anyone who was born in Canada or has come to Canada, you won the Lotto," says Rick Mercer, star of CBC's hit comedies Made in Canada and This Hour Has 22 Minutes.
"You know, Canadians don't take themselves that seriously, and quite often we're self-deprecating and that's a character trait I admire greatly in an individual and so I admire it in a nation," says Mercer.

Canadians may not take themselves seriously, but they do some seriously strange stuff.

Canada holds the world record for the highest stunt freefall for a 1,100 foot plunge from the CN Tower.

The world's oldest snowboarder hits the slopes in Canada. Wong Yui Hoi, of British Columbia, took up the sport at 75 according to the folks at Guiness.

Canadian Jack McKenzie, 77, is the oldest person to ski to the north pole.

Those months spent with scant daylight hiding from frostbite may go a long way to explain some other Canadian, uh, accomplishments.

Canada boasts the longest gum wrapper chain in the world - 10,387 metres- according to the Guiness book of world records, and the most push-ups in an hour - 3,416.

Canadians hold the record for pogo-stick jumping and the largest hug. They baked the world's largest cherry pie, made the world's largest block of cheese and hold the world kissing title for the most couples smooching simultaneously.

Maybe it's not cabin fever, but brain freeze. A 7-Eleven store in Winnipeg sells more Slurpees per capita than anywhere else in the world. Yahhhhhh!!!!! Winnipeg Rocks!!!!!!!!

Canadians eat more Kraft dinner and Albertans more Jello. Details were not available on the favoured flavour. Kraft Dinner Rocks!!!!!!

Canadians have such an imagination they try to take credit for basketball and the telephone, says Ferguson.
"They'll claim the telephone as a Canadian invention. Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland, educated in Scotland and most of his research took place in Boston . . . but that doesn't matter because he lived in Canada," Ferguson says.

Yet Canada claims basketball because James Naismith was born in Canada, although he came up with the sport while living in the U.S.

But there's no denying that Toronto's Joe Shuster was co-creator of that greatest of American heroes, Superman.

And who else but the first nation of hockey could have invented Plexiglas, the goalie mask or the referee whistle?

Since beer is practically a sport unto itself in Canada, Vancouver's Steve Pasjack came up with those built-in, tuck-away handles for beer cases in 1957.
Yaaaaaaaa Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And women can blame Canada. Montreal's Canadelle company invented the push-up bra in 1964 and Dennis Colonello invented the abdominizer in 1984.

Our greatest achievement?

"I think Canada's greatest achievement is Canada, just the existence of this country, this wildly diverse, huge, rich, quirky, wonderful country," Ferguson says.

© Canadian Press 2006

The Gazette and the Dominion Institute present the 2006 Canada Day quiz. So sit back, pour yourself a cool Canadian beverage, and enjoy.You can always click here for the answers.
Land and landscape

1. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada?

2. Name the Canadian territory that was created on April 1, 1999.

3. Name the five Great Lakes.

4. Name the largest of the five Great Lakes.

5. What three oceans border Canada?

6. Which river is Canada's longest?
a) The Mackenzie
b) The St. Lawrence
c) The Red
d) The Fraser

7. Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?

8. Which province has the largest land size?

9. In which province can you find a provincial park famous for its deposits of dinosaur bones?
Politics and politicians

10. In 1864, colonial representatives first met in P.E.I. to discuss the idea of a federal union of all the British North American provinces. What is the name of this famous meeting?

11. Name the original provinces that joined in Confederation.

12. Name the Scottish immigrant, skilled lawyer and father of Confederation who became Canada's first prime minister.

13. Which Canadian prime minister sought the advice of his dead mother and dog?

14. What was the name that the prime minister in question No. 13 gave to all of his dogs?

15. Which of the following provincial politicians could be called "the last father of Confederation" ?
a) Lucien Bouchard
b) Mike Harris
c) Joey Smallwood
d) Tommy Douglas

16. When did the Quiet Revolution occur in Quebec?
a) 1920s
b) 1960s
c) 1830s
d) 1759

17. Who was the conservative Quebec premier whose hard-line government was a major cause of the the Quiet Revolution?
Citizenship and Government

18. Who is Canada's head of state?

19. The government of Canada is best described as:
a) A representative republic
b) A co-operative association
c) Constitutional monarchy
d) People's Democracy

20. In which year was the Canadian constitution patriated?

21. What part of the constitution legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians?

22. Name the constitutional clause that allows the federal or provincial governments to override certain parts of the constitutional document mentioned in question No. 17.

23. Which of the following slogans is best associated with Canada's constitution?
a) Liberty, equality, fraternity
b) Peace, order and good government
c) Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

24. Name three requirements that a person must meet in order to vote in a federal election.
People and places

25. Which of the following is associated with the first permanent European settlement in what became Canada?
a) Henry Hudson
b) Jacques Cartier
c) Samuel de Champlain
d) Christopher Columbus

26. Name the city that sprung from this first settlement, which will be celebrating its 400th
anniversary in 2008.

27. What agricultural community, founded by the Earl of Selkirk in 1812, became the first permanent European colony in the Canadian West?

28. The Canadian north was transformed in the late 1890s when about 100,000 prospectors poured into the Yukon hoping to "strike it rich." What name was given to this colourful period in Canadian history?

29. What famous schooner, commemorated on the 10 cent coin, was built in Nova Scotia in 1921?
Industry and Finance

30. Owing to a shortage of coins in New France in the 17th century, settlers used which non-traditional form of currency?
a) Birch Bark
b) Playing Cards
c) Croissants
d) Muskets

31. The Hudson's Bay Company is the world's oldest chartered trading company, having been in business for 336 years. What product gave this company its start?

32. Name the vast stretch of land where the Hudson's Bay Company had a trading monopoly.

33. What was the French name given to the rugged woodsmen who worked for the Hudson's Bay Company?

34. What product, made of dried meat and berries, was sold to fur traders for their long voyages into and out of the Canadian interior and became a competitive industry in Canada's West.

35. What automobile company attempted to establish a luxury car production plant in New Brunswick in the 1970s only to abandon the project in bankruptcy with fewer than 3,000 cars ever produced?
a) Ford
b) DeLorean
c) Massey Ferguson
d) Bricklin

36. When was the last time that $1 Canadian was equal to $1 American?
a) 1937
b) 1957
c) 1977
d) 1997

37. In what decade of the 20th century were Canadian women first given the right to vote in federal elections?

38. In 1929, the Judicial Committee of the British Privy Council overturned the Supreme Court of Canada and determined that women could hold office as senators. What was the name of this landmark decision?

39. What major historical event brought more than 1 million women into the Canadian work force?
a) Prohibition
b) Expo 67
c) Second World War
d) Auto Pact

40. In 1992, Roberta Bondar became the first Canadian woman:
a) To play in the National Hockey League
b) To be launched into outer space
c) To win an Oscar for best actress
d) To become president of General Motors of Canada
Arts and Culture

41. What is Canada's national anthem?

42. What are the first two lines of the anthem?

43. Who composed our national anthem?
a) Sir John A. Macdonald
b) Calixa Lavalee
c) Robert Charlebois
d) Gordon Lightfoot

44. Which of the following artists are Canadian?
a) Emily Carr
b) Andy Warhol
c) Tom Thomson
d) Jean-Paul Riopelle
e) Norman Rockwell

45. Which of the artists from questions No. 44 inspired the formation of the Canadian art collective the Group of Seven?
Canada-U.S. Relations

46. Name one of the wars in which Canada was invaded by the United States.

47. What group fled the United States to settle in Canada after the American Revolution?

48. What was the name of the route used by fleeing American slaves to get to Canada?

49. Which American war sped the move toward Confederation?

50. Name the Irish-independence movement whose raids were also an important factor in the move toward Confederation.
International Affairs

51. After the First World War, Canada helped found the League of Nations. What similar body did Canadians help create in the aftermath of the Second World War?

52. Since 1949, Canada, the U.S. and the democracies of Western Europe have belonged to a transatlantic military alliance. What is the name of this multilateral organization?

53. Canada was instrumental in drafting the famous United Nations declaration that sets forth the basic rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons. What is its name?

54. Canadian prime ministers culminating with Brian Mulroney led international opposition to what South African government policy?

55. Recently, Canada played a role in the establishment of what international body for investigating genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes?

56. Which prominent Canadian Supreme Court judge was involved in the international body mentioned in question No. 55?
War and Remembrance

57. Why was Nov. 11 was chosen as Remembrance Day.

58. Every Nov. 11, Canadians commemorate the service and sacrifice of the nation's veterans. What is the common symbol of Canadian remembrance?

59. In the First World War, a massive ammunition explosion in a Canadian city killed 1,600, injured 9,000 and left thousands more homeless. Where did this occur?

60. Which of the following was Canada's most famous victory in the First World War that consisted of the capture of a key ridge on the Western Front?
a) Battle of Vichy
b) Battle of Vimy Ridge
c) Battle of Ortona

61. Capt. John McCrae served as a medical officer in the First World War and wrote what is considered to be Canada's most famous war poem. What is it called?

62. The country's worst epidemic, spread by troops returning from service overseas during the Great War, killed 50,000 Canadians. What disease was responsible for the greatest health crisis in Canadian history?

63. Name the Canadian commander at Vimy who later became Canada's 12th Governor General.

64. In 1942, almost 1,000 Canadians lost their lives in a tragic assault on a French seaside town. Name that town.

65. From 1950 to 1953, more than 25,000 Canadian service men and women took part in the Cold War's first major armed conflict. What was the name of this war?

66. To resolve the 1956 Suez Crisis, Lester B. Pearson proposed the creation of a new type of United Nations mandated military force. Used in conflict zones ever since, what are these forces usually called?
Controversy and Scandal

67. What is the name given to the forcible resettlement by the British government of many of the original French colonists of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island?

68. Name the U.S. state where many of the deportees mentioned in question No. 67 ended up.

69. Name the extinct people who once inhabited Newfoundland.

70. After more than a decade of construction and a string of political scandals, what great Canadian engineering feat was completed in 1885 with the hammering of the Last Spike?

71. Which ethnic group had to pay a head tax to gain entrance into Canada?

72. In which year was the head tax mentioned in question No. 71 repealed?

73. National referendums are nothing new in Canada. In 1942, a national plebiscite sparked a fierce debate over military service and national unity. What was this plebiscite about?

74. What was William Lyon Mackenzie King's famous saying about the issue under debate during the 1942 national plebiscite?

75. During the Second World War, thousands of Canadians were forcibly evacuated from the West Coast of Canada because of their ethnic origin. Who were these Canadians?Click here for the answers to the quiz.

Want more? Visit www.dominion.ca and try the online version of the quiz. Answer all 20 of the randomly selected questions correctly to win a free ring tone from Puretracks.com

© The Gazette (Montreal) 2006

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