Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Manitoba Spirited Energy

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Since June of this year, there has been alot of buzz in the Province about Manitoba's new Spirited Energy Slogan Campaign. The Province has spent an embarrassing amount of money to change Manitoba's image. We have been Friendly Manitoba for as long as I can remember. What is wrong with being Friendly? Spirited Energy sounds like we are a bunch of drunk people (we do have alot of drunks, so this may not be such a stretch. LOL). I personally think the people of Manitoba should have been given a few different options to chose a fitting new slogan, and a vote should have been held. Apparantly a naming consultant arrived at Spirited Energy, for the low fee of $600,000, and it has created alot of criticism and ridicule from the masses.

Tom Brodbeck of the Winnipeg Sun took it upon himself on July 13 to invite Manitobans to
create a better slogan. Manitobans stepped up to the plate as usual, and submitted some very promising slogans that create a positive visual of our Province. We are very proud to be Manitoban, and are very loyal to our Province which is one thing I think most can agree upon...we have alot of heart.

Some of the suggestions were:

Manitoba - Heart of the Continent
Manitoba - The Jewel of the North
Manitoba - Prairie Paradise
Manitoba - Explore your Dreams
Manitoba - The Centre of it All

It cost alot less then the $600,000 that was paid to the naming consultant to come up with the spirited energy slogan. It was free! I would have chosen Manitoba-Heart of the Prairies.



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